SEM LABEL                               FRANCE

Start   : 2007
Owner   : Alexandre Navarro & Sasa Vojvodic (aka Letna)
Distr.  : UK - Norman/
Style   : modern classical / ambient / glitch / epectronica / IDM / abstract /
          techno / field rec. / drone / experimental / post rock / dub techno /
          minimal /

SEM     001     THE GREEN KINGDOM       THE GREEN KINGDOM               CD        .2007

        1       Toy Guitar, Hiss, Anxiety Etc.                  4:42
        2       Amniopod                                        4:01
        3       Mei-Li                                          6:19
        4       La Poussiere Et Mémoires                        2:38
        5       Broken Moonbeam                                 5:54
        6       Wind Up Wildlife                                7:26
        7       Miniature Forest                                5:37
        8       Nocturne 2                                      10:01
        9       Cherry Sunrise                                  11:24
SEM     002     ALEXANDRE NAVARRO       ARCANE                          CD      03.2008

        1       Time                                            5:31
        2       Primal                                          4:26
        3       Karma Debut                                     3:45
        4       Eolite                                          3:37
        5       Mystical Lane                                   3:27
        6       Awaken                                          3:43
        7       Flying In A Dream                               5:07
        8       The Dawn                                        4:36
        9       Arcane                                          5:10
        10      Bulles                                          14:14
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
SEM     003     MANRICO MONTERO         BETWEENNESS                     CD        .2008

        1       Tangencies Part 1                               5:15
        2       Evening Road                                    6:29
        3       Sky Flowers                                     4:34
        4       Like Golden Blossoms                            6:39
        5       Noon Tide                                       6:19
        6       Aster                                           5:38
        7       Tangencies Part 2                               6:04
        8       Sweet Dusk Spiral                               23:54
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
SEM     004     SAITO KOJI              BEAUTIFUL                       CDR     04.2009

        1.      Beautiful                                       43:23

        1       Gently                                          18:39
        2       Touching                                        9:37
        3       The Conception                                  15:45
                (Note : CD , 500 copies)
SEM     006     ALEXANDRE NAVARRO       BLACK BIRD                      CDR.3DL 03.2010

        1       Part.1 (Envol)                                  3:21
        2       Part.2 (Survol)                                 5:17
        3       Part.3 (Resolution)                             4:07
                (Note : CDr , 300 copies)
SEM     007     SAITO KOJI              OCEAN                           CDR     06.2010

        1       Part 1                                          30:35
        2       Part 2                                          30:35
                (Note : CDr , 100 copies)
SEM     008     ALEXANDRE NAVARRO       LOKA                            LP      03.2011

        A1      Geodub                                          3:33
        A2      Comme Des Étoiles Qui Coulent Dans Ma Nuque     3:30
        A3      Iikaah                                          4:31
        A4      Ichtus                                          1:37
        A5      Kim Univers Lou                                 3:45
        B1      Virgo Superclusters                             4:56
        B2      Monoliths                                       1:10
        B3      Nostalgia                                       2:59
        B4      Un Reve                                         5:20
        B5      Debut                                           4:22
                (Note : CD , 100 numb. copies)
SEM     009     LETNA                   LETNA                           CDR     05.2011

        1       Susica                                          3:27
        2       Adriatik                                        1:33
        3       Orjen                                           4:30
        4       Mont Lovcen                                     4:44
        5       Adriatik Rep                                    1:10
        6       Biograsko Jezero                                4:45
        7       Tara                                            4:24
        8       Tunnel Kotor Exit                               3:12
        9       Zajedno Do Kraja                                4:01
        10      Jadransko More                                  2:11
        11      Cg                                              4:24
                (Note : CDr , 100 hand-numb. copies)
SEM     010     OFFHESKY                ENDLESS YOUNDER                 CDR     07.2011

        1       Whiskey And The Fear                            6:40
        2       Tired Of Sleep                                  5:52
        3       Good Day For A Bad Mood                         6:13
        4       High Speed Low                                  5:17
        5       Wait, Then Wait                                 4:41
        6       Watching It Run Down                            7:28
        7       Endless Yonder                                  7:34
                (Note : CDr , 100 hand-numb. copies)
SEM     011     V / A                   ONE MINUTE FOR THE STARS        36 DL   07.2011

        1       Robert Lippok           omftStars               1:00
        2       Nicolas Bernier         omftStars               1:00
        3       Peak                    omftStars               1:00
        4       Letna                   omftStars               1:00
        5       Kenneth Kirschner       omftStars               1:00
        6       Benfay                  omftStars               1:00
        7       Alexandre Navarro       omftStars               1:00
        8       Saito Koji              omftStars               1:00
        9       Segue                   omftStars               1:00
        10      Witxes                  omftStars               1:00
        11      Manrico Montero         omftStars               1:00
        12      Tilman Ehrhorn          omftStars               1:00
        13      Un Escargot Vide        omftStars               1:00
        14      Michel Chion            omftStars               1:00
        15      Pleq                    omftStars               1:00
        16      Fax                     omftStars               1:00
        17      Philippe Petit          omftStars               1:00
        18      Sébastien Druot         omftStars               1:00
        19      Kate Carr               omftStars               1:00
        20      Offthesky               omftStars               1:00
        21      Audioguide              omftStars               1:00
        22      Eric Delay              omftStars               1:00
        23      Libra (Koutaro Fukui)   omftStars               1:00
        24      Fernando Lagreca        omftStars               1:00
        25      Hidekazu Wakabayashi    omftStars               1:00
        26      Kim                     omftStars               1:00
        27      Feldmaus                omftStars               1:00
        28      Beautiful Schizophonic, The : omftStars         1:00
        28      Green Kingdom, The      omftStars               1:00
        30      Figit                   omftStars               1:00
        31      Alvaro Ruiz             omftStars               1:00
        32      Macu                    omftStars               1:00
        33      Brendan Paxton          omftStars               1:00
        34      Wood Made Sounds        omftStars               1:00
        35      Tommpa Runkkari         omftStars               1:00
        36      Dennis De Santis        omftStars               1:00
SEM     012     SAITO KOJI              POP                             CDR.8DL 12.2011

        1       Hello                                           3:00
        2       Cry                                             3:00
        3       Stay                                            3:00
        4       Today                                           3:00
        5       Struggle                                        3:00
        6       Stone                                           3:00
        7       Wire                                            3:00
        8       Love                                            3:00
SEM     013     ALEXANDRE NAVARRO       ELEMENTS                        9DL     03.2012

        1       Stellar Water                                   1:16
        2       Effacer Le Noir                                 5:14
        3       Une Plage                                       4:57
        4       Lumina                                          2:06
        5       No Matter What They Say                         0:59
        6       Heart Beats On A Tape                           3:58
        7       Cosmic Boats Away                               4:11
        8       Virgo Dub                                       3:38
        9       Un Jour                                         3:21
SEM     014     FAX                     CIRCLES                         CDR       .2012

        1       Reflections
        2       Fiction
        3       Circles
        4       Yer Eyes
        5       1,000 Noches
        6       Silisa
        7       The Rain
        8       You, And The Heat
        9       Lights On
        10      Supernatural
SEM     015     V / A                   5Y                              13DL    07.2012

        1       Koutaro Fukui           Vice Versa              2:40
        2       Offthesky               Oppari, Optimistic      5:21
        3       Fonogram : Unidentified Flying Objects          4:27
        4       Josh Mason              Sarah, Age 8            5:23
        5       Alexandre Navarro       YYYYY                   4:53
        6       Letna                   City Lights             3:31
        7       Manrico Montero         Umbral No.2             5:00
        8       Pecora Pecora           Planete Gamma           7:24
        9       Benfay                  Weightless              4:21
        10      Fax                     Going Home              5:52
        11      Peak                    So Bright               7:09
        12      Green Kingdom, The : Opiate Night-wind          4:40
        13      Wallpaper               Highway 99              2:58
SEM     016     FAX                     CIRCLES REMIXED EP              8DL     09.2012

        1       Lights Out                                      02:32
        2       Circles                                         04:00
        3       Lights Out                                      03:20
        4       Circles                                         09:18
        5       1000 Noches                                     05:59
        6       Yer Eyes                                        03:45
        7       Circles                                         03:30
        8       Lights Out                                      06:45
SEM     017     WALLTAPPER              MONACO                          CD+10DL 09.2012

        1       Revenge Of The Cosmic Debris                    03:30
        2       Invisible Pedestrian                            02:41
        3       Pirate 777                                      04:36
        4       Plane And Tank                                  04:36
        5       Apostles                                        04:34
        6       Jerusalem Windows                               03:41
        7       Monaco                                          05:07
        8       Space Blunt                                     03:04
        9       Bailiff                                         03:12
        10      Tor Johnson                                     03:57
SEM     018     OFFHESKY                THROUGH THE LINES               CDR     12.2012

        1       Through The Lines                               9:36
        2       Bleeds Dynamic                                  5:30
        3       Flux And Go                                     7:25
        4       Down The Fist                                   7:43

        1       Dust_rds                                        3:47
        2       Green Being                                     5:02
        3       Rustloop                                        1:38
        4       On Golden Swamp                                 3:18
        5       Seebreeze                                       3:00
        6       Undrwtr                                         4:50
        7       Film Day                                        2:20
        8       Ambin5                                          5:47
        9       Dustloop4                                       3:42
        10      Ban_she                                         5:33
        11      Dustloop2                                       2:19
        12      Night Clatter                                   5:15
        13      Herrloop                                        2:10
SEM     020     ALEXANDRE NAVARRO       HOZHO                           CDR     06.2013

        1       Le Temps Est Ici                                2:14
        2       Golden Semaphores                               1:42
        3       Indian Connors                                  0:48
        4       I Wish I Could Fly Like A Bird In The Sky       1:06
        5       Wake Up Sun                                     1:40
        6       Etrangetés, Reveries                            1:07
        7       Infinis Approchés                               2:19
        8       Seul                                            1:37
        9       Départ                                          2:12
        10      Tu Es Si Légere                                 2:14
        11      Ciels                                           1:54
        12      Neuronunivers                                   2:40
        13      Dub-Circuits                                    2:06
        14      Foyer                                           2:19
        15      Traverser Les Miroirs                           2:19
        16      Enlacer Doux                                    1:22
        17      Déjeuner Sur L'Herbe                            1:36
        18      Look Him                                        0:51
        19      Petites Cellules                                1:32
        20      L'Absence                                       2:55
        21      Star's Calling                                  2:16
        22      Tribal Moon                                     0:26
        23      Ghostly Maybe                                   2:06
        24      En Revenant                                     2:02
SEM     021     JOSH MASON : DARK THREAD * OTHER COLORS                 CDR       .2013

        1       A Curious Hum That Cannot Be Located            1:08
        2       Dark Thread                                     3:22
        3       Captive Son                                     5:00
        4       Amulet                                          6:08
        5       Tome                                            6:48
        6       Journeyman                                      4:19
        7       Other Colors                                    6:06
SEM     022
SEM     023     SEGUE                   THE HERE AND NOW                CD.7DL  03.2014

        1       Turning Patterns                                7:15
        2       All At Once                                     6:10
        3       What Could Have Been                            5:28
        4       Sometimes                                       6:05
        5       Settle Down                                     10:26
        6       Flood                                           6:33
        7       Northern                                        8:48